Google Prepare "Google Me" to compete with Facebook

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Google's rumored to be launching Facebook killer service. The rumors were obtained from a brief update Twitter founder of Digg, Kevin Rose. According to Rose, this new service will be called "Google Me" and in some cases will offer a social function that can rival Facebook. If true, this is not the first time Google launched a high profile Web 2.0 services. Previously the company had a Google Buzz.

Still not clear how many signs have been made concerning the amount Buzz users, but according to ReadWriteWeb, 90 per cent of all content published on the Buzz is only an automatic repetition of existing in the RSS feed or Twitter account.

So what, will rancagan Google Me will succeed? So far details are just mere speculation. However, it appears Google me can run as an upgrade to Google's service profile, which is almost like a mini biography profile pages. However, it was unclear how the Buzz Google informers, Wave, and Orkut will tie in the big picture.

"Because Google account is required to use Orkut, and Gmail account is required for the Buzz, we can assume that we are seeing about 200 million users of the services of these two things combined," wrote Brad McCarty of The Next Web. "It would not be hard for Google not only be a thorn, but it actually came with a loud knock at the door Facebook," he added.


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